FREE CASE REVIEW (804) 780-1200 or(800) 843-4090

Catastrophic Injuries

Any injuries which require immediate hospitalization, extensive radiographic imaging, surgery and/or hospital admission can be considered catastrophic in nature to the patient and their family. At the outset, you should know WE WILL COME TO YOU. It is not unusual for our attorneys to drive or fly to major trauma centers throughout the state to provide the injured and their family with the advice they need.

Our office is located just 6 blocks from the Medical College of Virginia / VCU Healthcare Center in downtown Richmond. From our offices, we sometimes see helicopters approaching MCV and transporting badly injured individuals for the specialized care they need at the MCV Trauma Center. We often times say a prayer for those folks being transported and hope that they will recover from the injuries they have suffered. When our phone rings on one of these cases, we are usually speaking with a family member, and we will provide them with extensive information as to what needs to be done. That same day, our catastrophic injury team will come to the hospital to meet with the patient and/or their family to discuss how we can help with answers regarding medical bills, future medical care, and loss of income.

Like many cases, we dig into the catastrophic injury case with an immediate investigation as to how the collision occurred and focus our attention toward getting the injured person the treatment and compensation that they deserve. WE FIGHT FOR YOU FROM THE VERY START.



At the very beginning, you should realize that the insurance industry and trucking companies don’t care about you or your loved one. They don’t care about your family or the losses you’ve sustained. All they care about is their bottom line. They will look for any reason to deny your claim and avoid taking financial responsibility for what has occurred. You need the very best attorneys on your side- attorneys with over 80 years of combined personal injury experience who have dedicated their lives to helping people in these very difficult situations. That’s what we do best at Cannella & O’Neal.

Cannella and O’Neal — Your Guide

The insurance company is not on your side, we are. We are here to help guide you through the process of making a claim for damages as a result of serious personal injuries in an accident that was not your fault. Your assigned personal injury attorney will guide you through this process each and every step of the way. We have the knowledge, experience, staffing, and passion to take on the insurance and trucking industry when they act with reckless disregard for the safety of others. Don’t let someone else’s negligence cause you a lifetime of financial burden. Let us help you on the road to recovery.

We are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day on our Personal Injury Hotline at (800) 843-4090 for prompt response, or fill out our intake form, and we will respond by email. WE WILL COME TO YOU, AND THERE IS NO LEGAL FEE UNLESS WE WIN YOUR CASE.

Contact Cannella & O’Neal today for a free consultation to get you the justice you deserve.


Our attorneys service a wide range of areas throughout the State of Virginia, including:

  • Richmond
  • Henrico
  • Chesterfield
  • Fredericksburg
  • Petersburg
  • Halifax
  • Portsmouth
  • Fairfax
  • Caroline County
  • Tappahannock
  • Buckingham County
  • Lynchburg