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Small Claims Just Got Bigger

SMALL CLAIMS JUST GOT BIGGER – As of July 1, 2021 the General Assembly passed legislation allowing Virginia General District Courts to increase the maximum amount that can be sued for from $25,000 to $50,000. General District Courts are generally considered “small claims courts.” But now, for clients who are involved in less serious collisions, we can take the case to General District Court for up to $50,000 without the delay and expense that we would have incurred going to the Circuit Courts (which will handle all amounts above $50,000).

BOTTOM LINE: With this new legislation taking effect today, smaller cases will now be heard in the General District Court, allowing for an earlier trial date with less cost to the client and a greater chance for a larger verdict.

If you have any questions regarding a personal injury that was no fault of your own, call Cannella & O’Neal at 804-GOT-HURT; we will fight hard to get you all the justice you deserve.