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Less Cars, Less Accidents, Right? Wrong.

Although Virginians are traveling less and covering fewer miles, it turns out that emptier roads are riskier roads. Less traffic on the road shouldn’t mean more fatalities. But that’s exactly what’s happening. According to VDOT, speed and the lack of seatbelt usage...


Blog The purpose of this blog is simply to share with you some general information or developments involving personal injury law. It may reference an article, a case, a new statute or Supreme Court decision. Our articles will be short and to the point, perhaps with...

Still Using Your Phone While Driving in Richmond?

You won’t be able to much longer. Richmond City Council recently voted to ban the use of hand-held devices while driving in the City of Richmond. Distracted drivers have killed or hurt 218 people in the city this year, according to Richmond Police Department...

No Talking. No Texting.

Beginning June 9, using your cellphone for any reason while driving will be illegal in the City of Richmond and considered a primary offense. That means no talking, no texting, no nothing. Emergency calls are exempt from this new law and you can still use your phone...

Small Claims Just Got Bigger

SMALL CLAIMS JUST GOT BIGGER – As of July 1, 2021 the General Assembly passed legislation allowing Virginia General District Courts to increase the maximum amount that can be sued for from $25,000 to $50,000. General District Courts are generally considered...